Comprehensive Health Instruction in North Hanover
The New Jersey Department of Education approved new Comprehensive Health & Physical Education standards in 2020 with a requirement that instruction on the new standards be implemented during the 2022-2023 school year.
The North Hanover Township School District conducted an extensive review of the standards and required content, participating in a collaborative effort with the other Northern Burlington sending districts to ensure an equitable experience.
The curriculum development process was flexible and fluid with numerous revisions being made based on feedback from the community, teachers, administrators, and Board of Education members.
The materials linked below are the final product of the committee, composed of Board members, the Director of Curriculum and Instruction, and the Superintendent. The curriculum and associated materials were approved by the North Hanover Township Board of Education on 1/17/2023. These materials are currently the only materials approved for use with students. Bolded content verbiage in the lesson plans is the only content verbiage to be utilized with students.
The right to opt out of these lessons is unchanged, and we encourage everyone to make the choices that are best for their families. You can currently find the opt out form in the Genesis Parent Portal under "Forms." Please note that you must complete a separate form for each child you have enrolled in the district. However, you only need to complete the form to indicate any lessons for which you are selecting the opt out option for your child. If you are not opting your child out of any health lessons, there are no actions you need to take.
If you have any questions or concerns about the curriculum, please contact your building principal.