
Standards Based Report Card

What is a standards-based report card?
A standards-based report card lists the most important content and skills students should learn in each subject at a particular grade level. Instead of letter grades, students receive indicators that show how well they have mastered the content and skills.

On many traditional report cards, students receive one letter grade for each subject area. Letter grades are often calculated by averaging students' grades on assignments and tests. The scale of learning on a standards-based report card is different from traditional letter grades. Letter grades do not tell parents which content and skills their children have mastered or whether they are working at grade level.

Standards-based report cards are meant to foster consistent grading practices, align to content standards, and provide more depth of information to parents. Students are evaluated and assessed on the same grade-level expectations and parents can see the specific skills/content their child has learned.

How to read a standards-based report card?
The report card allows teachers to accurately communicate a student's progress towards meeting content standards at specific points in the school year. It identifies student's levels of progress with regard to those standards, areas of strengths, and areas where additional time and effort are needed to meet expectations at that point in time in the school year. Rubrics have been developed in ELA and Math for each trimester. The purpose of the rubrics are to assist students and parents in understanding what the specific learning expectations are at each grade level in each content area. These learning expectations will change as the school year progresses and more content/standards are introduced.

How do I access my child's report card?
Log into the Genesis Parent Portal and navigate to the Grading tab where you will find a link to your child's Report Card document.

If you have any technical issues, please email Lisa Quackenboss at [email protected]. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the content of your child's report card, please contact your child's teacher.

How do I access the rubrics?
The report card rubric links are posted along the left side of this webpage.

Who do I talk to if I have a question about my child's grade?
The classroom teacher uses various sources of information to assess student's mastery of grade level content/skills. Questions regarding your child's grade or progress are best answered by the classroom teacher as they will be able to share work samples, grade level expectations and assessments used to monitor progress.

What is the scale of learning?


Exceeds Learning Expectations

Possesses an advance understanding and application of essential skills and concepts


Meets Learning Standards

Demonstrates proficiency on essential skills and concepts


Partially meets Learning Standard

Demonstrates partial proficiency in essential skills and concepts


Area of Concern

Not meeting grade level expectations

What are Habits of Mind?

Habits of Mind are characteristics of what intelligent people do to problem solve and how they respond when they don't know the answer. Research on effective thinking, successful people, and intelligent behavior has shown that these habits contribute to students' success or failure in mastering standards.


  • Sticking to task at hand

  • Follow through to completion

  • Can and do remain focused

Managing Impulsivity

  • Take time to consider options

  • Think before speaking or acting

  • Remain calm when stressed or challenged

  • Thoughtful and considerate of others

Listening with Understanding and Empathy

  • Pay attention to/don't dismiss another person's thoughts, feelings, and ideas

  • Try to put yourself in the other person's shoes

  • Tell others when you can relate to what they're expressing

  • Hold thoughts at a distance in order to respect another person's point of view and feelings

Remaining Open to Continuous Learning

  • Open to new experiences to learn from

  • Proud and humble enough to admit when you don't know

  • Welcome new information on all subjects

Thinking Interdependently

  • Willing to work with others

  • Welcome others' input and perspective

  • Abide by the decisions the group makes even if you disagree somewhat

  • Willing to learn from others in reciprocal situations

Creating, Imagining and Innovating
  • Generate new, original ideas

  • Look at alternative possibilities

  • Open to constructive criticism

Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision
  • Communicate accurately and effectively

  • Supports statements

  • Uses clear, precise language