North Hanover Township School District
Overview of K-6 Math Curriculum
Unit 1:Number Sense 0-5
Unit 2: Number Sense 6-10
Unit 3: Adding To and Taking From
Unit 4: Number Sense 11-20
Unit 5: Shapes and Positions
Unit 6: Measurement and Data
First grade
Unit 1: Solving and Fluently Adding and Subtracting Within 10
Unit 2: Using Strategies to Solve Addition and Subtraction Facts to 20 Working with Addition and Subtraction Equations
Unit 3: Representing and Interpreting Data
Unit 4: Extending the Counting Sequence, Understanding Place Value
Unit 5: Comparing Two-Digit Numbers Using Models and Strategies to Add and Subtract
Unit 6: Measurement
Second Grade
Unit 1: Add and subtract within 20
Unit 2: Understand the Meaning of Addition and Subtraction (Add and Subtract within 100)
Unit 3: Time and Money
Unit 4: Understanding Place Value to 1000
Unit 5: Measurement
Unit 6: Data and Shapes
Third Grade
Unit 1: Represent and Solve Problems Involving Multiplication and Division
Unit 2: Fluency and the Relationship Between Multiplication and Division
Unit 3: Understand Place Value and Addition/Subtraction to 1000
Unit 4: Understand Fractions as Numbers
Unit 5: Measurement and Data
Unit 6: Geometry
Fourth Grade
Unit 1: Understanding Place Value and Using the Four Operations with Whole Numbers
Unit 2: Multiplying and Dividing with Multi-Digit Whole Numbers
Unit 3: Using the Four Operations with Fractions
Unit 4: Fraction and Decimal Relationships
Unit 5: Patterns and Measurement
Unit 6: Geometry
Fifth Grade
Unit 1: Understanding Place Value in Whole Numbers and Decimals
Unit 2: Operations with multi-digit Whole Numbers and Decimals
Unit 3: Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Unit 4: Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
Unit 5: Volume
Unit 6: Geometry
Sixth Grade
Unit 1: Expressions, Equations and Inequalities
Unit 2: Ratios, Rates, and Proportions
Unit 3: Rational Numbers
Unit 4: Operations with Decimals and the Division of a Fraction by a Fraction
Unit 5: Geometry
Unit 6: Statistics and Probability