Tiered Services
Program services for students identified as a gifted learner or bright child may be delivered in different ways depending upon the needs of each student. Below are different service provisions.
Tier 1: Differentiation within the general education classroom
The consultation model provides an opportunity for the classroom and the Gifted and Talented teacher to collaborate in order to modify specific assignments or units of study for the gifted student within the regular instruction. Students may receive leveled and tiered curricular materials and assignments and also participate in differentiated classroom experiences such as: curriculum compacting, learning centers, and flexible groupings.
Tier 2: Enrichment beyond the general education classroom
Occasionally, there is a student who demonstrates such passion and drive for a subject, topic or unit of study that they need and can benefit from experiences beyond the traditional classroom. Enrichment opportunities may include: assembly programs, field trips, guest speakers, interest-based clubs, additional courses, enrichment clusters, or instruction from a Gifted and Talented teacher.
Tier 3: Advancement and/or acceleration [above grade level]
Advanced classes, dual enrollment, independent study, differentiation and mentorships may also be options for gifted and talented students in the North Hanover School District.