
Gifted and Talented Identification

Identification Phases

A comprehensive and cohesive process for student identification is designed to determine eligibility for gifted education services. All students in the district shall be identified and/or screened with consideration given to appropriate accommodations and/or modifications based on students' IEPs, 504 plans, and/or status as English Language Learners. Both quantitative and qualitative instruments will be used to measure students’ abilities, talents, and strengths. There are 3 steps in the process:

  1. The screening of students using multiple assessment tools
  2. Assessment of students through the KBIT/CoGAT assessment
  3. The selection of students for whom the gifted program is appropriate

Screening Phase:

Screening of all students in grades 1-6 will be completed during the first trimester of each school year. Screening of all kindergarten students will be completed during the second trimester of each school year. At least three (3) methods will be used to screen all students. They may include, but are not limited to, performance on the state-wide assessment, grades, district benchmark scores, F&P reading level, and teacher recommendation nomination.

Screening Process for Students Entering:

Selection Criteria:

Grades K-2

  • Star Early Literacy or Reading Assessment

  • Star Math Assessment (Grades 1-2)

  • F&P BAS reading level

  •  Prior Year's T3 Report Card grades

  • Teacher input

  • KBIT

Grades 3-6

  • F&P BAS reading level

  • Star Reading Assessment

  • Star Math Assessment

  • ELA NJSLA scores

  • Math NJSLA scores

  • Prior Year's T3 Report Card grades

  • Teacher Input

  • CogAT

Identification and Placement Phase:

Data is compiled in order to make an informed decision regarding selection.  The artifacts used for selection is based upon individual student needs and abilities.  These artifacts will be chosen with the goal of allowing students to display optimal performance. Other assessment tools may be added to provide more evidence for appropriate placement. Each screening criteria will be assigned a point value.  Please see the chart for complete criteria.

Tier 1

(Screening Phase)

Star 360 Early Literacy or Reading 
Star 360 Math


NJSLA (Grades 3-8)

Met or Exceeded Expectations

End of Year Math scores


Report Card grades

Met or Exceeded Expectations

Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment

Students must perform at the instructional level for their grade

Tier 2

KBIT (K-2)

CoGAT 8 (3-6)
