
Gifted and Talented Overview

Program Overview
North Hanover Township Public Schools are committed to providing a rich, comprehensive, and challenging educational program for each student in the district.  In order to address the unique needs of our gifted learners, the district has developed a program that integrates differentiated strategies within the classroom, expanded enrichment opportunities, and pull-out exploratory experiences.  Our tiered program encourages the development of independent learning, critical thinking, and creativity which allows for personal growth in moral/ethical responsibility, academic achievement and increased productivity as citizens of our community.

Definitions of Gifted and Talented:
National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC)

The following definition is supported by the Federal Office of Elementary & Secondary Education: Students with gifts and talents perform—or have the capability to perform—at higher levels compared to others of the same age, experience, and environment in one or more domains. They require modification(s) to their educational experience(s) to learn and realize their potential. Student with gifts and talents:

  • Come from all racial, ethnic, and cultural populations, as well as all economic strata.
  •  Require sufficient access to appropriate learning opportunities to realize their potential.
  •  Can have learning and processing disorders that require specialized intervention and accommodation.
  • Need support and guidance to develop socially and emotionally as well as in their areas of talent.

State of New Jersey

“Gifted and talented students” means those students who possess or demonstrate high levels of ability, in one or more content areas, when compared to their chronological peers in the local school district and who require modifications of their educational program if they are to achieve in accordance with their capabilities. 
(N.J.A.C. 6A: 8, Standards and Assessment for Student Achievement, 2005, p.6)



1. Knows the answers.

2. Is interested.

3. Is attentive.

4. Has good ideas.

5. Works hard.

6. Answers the questions.

7. Top group.

8. Listens with interest.

9. Learns with ease.

10. 6-8 repetitions for mastery.

11. Understands ideas.

12. Enjoys peers.

13. Grasps meaning.

14. Completes assignments.

15. Is receptive.

16. Copies accurately.

17. Enjoys school.

18. Absorbs information.

19. Technician.

20. Good memorizer.

21. Prefers straightforward tasks.

22. Is alert.

23. Is pleased with own learning.

1. Asks the questions.

2. Is highly curious.

3. Is mentally and physically involved.

4. Has wild, silly ideas.

5. Plays around, yet tests well.

6. Discusses in details; elaborates.

7. Beyond the group.

8. Shows strong feelings and opinions.

9. Already knows.

10. 1-2 repetitions for mastery.

11. Constructs abstractions.

12. Prefers adults.

13. Draws inferences.

14. Initiates projects.

15. Is intense.

16. Creates new designs.

17. Enjoys learning.

18. Manipulates information.

19. Inventor.

20. Good guesser.

21. Thrives on complexity.

22. Is keenly observant.

23. Is highly self-critical.

By: Janice Szabos